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Chilli peppers come in all different sizes and colours. Most commonly you will see the red and green, but occasionally you will see orange, yellow, or several combinations of the colours. Peppers are a favorite around the world and have been enjoyed by generations. Recently, technology has allowed us to harvest helpful elements from Chilli peppers and use them in ways once thought impossible.

Chillies are most commonly used within the realm of culinary arts. Chilli peppers are used not only to spice up meals, but to make them more appealing to different people. Different cultures have different customs when it comes to cooking. The southern hemisphere is where you will find the most chilli peppers.

Dried Chillies are also a very commonly used as a ground spice. Consumers usually sprinkle the ground peppers over their meals to give them more flavour and heat. Chilli peppers 'heat' is measured in Scoville heat units. In order to determine what a pepper ranks you have to determine that measure of dilution to the amount of chilli extract.

The pod of a Chilli pepper is actually a berry. This comes as a shock to most people because nobody relates a chilli pepper to a berry. Each pepper have a tough outer skin that will not break down when cooking or preparing. This outer skin makes every pepper easily recognizable.

Chilli peppers are the most important fruit in Bhutan. Any store or market you visit will have a well stocked selection of Chillies. Since it is considered a staple food, almost all dishes in Bhutan consist of at least one type of Chilli. Compared to other cultures who eat very little to no peppers this is one thing that makes the Bhutan unique.

Another common use of Chillies is a crop defense agent. In Africa and Asia farmers frequently use the chilli pepper as a defense to animals such as elephants that will ruin crop harvests. Elephants don't like the chemical capsaicin which is present in any pepper. This chemical makes Elephants and other animals feel hot and feel discomfort. This effectively stops the animals from feeding on very important crops.

As you can see, there is a very large variety of uses for the Chilli pepper. From cooking, to crop defense the Chilli is an extremely versatile fruit that can be grown almost anywhere, especially with today's technological advances. The Chilli pepper continues to be a favorite around the world where it is enjoyed daily.